
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rock 'N' Roll Is Straight From Hell

Born Stuart Daniel Baker, Albemarle, North Carolina's Unknown Hinson has developed a rabid cult following since his debut in 1999. Sporting glued on sideburns, blacked out front teeth, and his dark hair slicked back to reveal a prominent widow's peak, he has often been referred to as "hillbilly vampire". Known as "ever womern's dream and ever jealous husband's worst nightmare", Hinson is revered worldwide as a hell raising, hard drinking country western singer with a preference for "party liquor", sexy women, and fine guitars. Fusing elements of rocakbilly, country, and psychobilly, Unknown's live shows are truly a sight to behold. Dressed in his signature black rodeo tailor coat and black ribbon necktie, Hinson and his band rip through their "chart toppin' hits" at ear splitting volume, often adding extended guitar solos and crowd participation to the mix. Known to tour for months and months at a time, the self professed "King Of Country Western Troubadours" always takes time after his set to meet every fan that has stuck around, graciously taking pictures, signing shirts, posters, CD's, and body parts. In addition to his work as Unknown Hinson, Baker also provides the voice of Early Cuyler on the Adult Swim program Squidbillies, as well playing bass and lead guitar (sans his Unknown Hinson costume) in Billy Bob Thornton's band The Boxmasters.


  1. Any site that has the full Unknown Hinson discography in it's site. Automatically goes into my favorites. Thank-You

  2. all these links are broken ,this site automatically got deleted out of my favorites and my broken heart got instantly achey brakey doin so! party liquor & misery 2night boys.... :(
